How To Set up a Pop Up Camper

If you’re just getting started in the RV lifestyle, a pop-up camper is a great way to dip your toe into the pool without breaking the bank or committing to a serious rig before making sure it’s for you. This quick guide will help you understand the basics of getting a pop-up camper ready for use, so let’s get rolling.

Campsite Checklist

A simple checklist is always a good idea to guide you through campsite setup and teardown. While your list will look different at every site, actions like finding a level campsite, using wheel chocks, and properly disconnecting your pop-up from the tow vehicle will all help you get set up without surprise.


Opening Your Pop-Up Camper 

Every camper is different, but there are a few somewhat universal steps to remember. First, you should always unlatch or disconnect the roof from the camper body, which sometimes involves several connection points. Depending on the model and setup, there may also be pins, zippers, or buttons.


Next, use the extension mechanism to lift the roof about halfway. Before continuing, check that you’ve disconnected everything correctly and that the roof is extended evenly. Inside, secure any interior supports and fold out furniture. Depending on your camper model, you may need to expand safety supports outside and finish connecting the tent fabric to the exterior mounting locations.

Other Notes

You may also want to clean your camper before the first use or after a long period of storage. Some companies recommend cleaning the canvas before your first camping adventure, which can be done gently with a hose. Observe for leaks and damage to prevent surprises when you hit the road.


Leveling is one of the most important things to do to ensure your comfort and safety when setting up a pop-up camper. Some models come with levels and other tools to help you get a good foundation, but take the time and do the job right. Unintended rollaway or damage can occur, and it’s no fun trying to get everything set up inside on an unlevel campground surface.


If you’re just getting started with a new pop-up camper, don’t feel like you’ve got to figure everything out on your own. Valley RV would be happy to help with the initial setup process and can help walk you through the ins and outs of the specific model you’ve chosen. We’ll answer your questions and have you camping safely in no time, so don’t hesitate to call us.

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