You may be familiar with some of the most important items needed to have a successful RV trip, but there is a whole world of other gear that can help you lengthen your RV season beyond the popular warmer months. These items make it possible to stay on the road well past the traditional seasonal cutoff dates, so let’s take a closer look at the best gear to extend your RV season.
Remember to Pack the Heat
No, we’re not talking about firearms. We’re talking about portable heaters to keep the interior of your RV nice and toasty when the temps drop. Electric heaters are a great way to warm a small space, and some are efficient enough to run for extended periods without killing your onboard power supply. The same safety suggestions apply that you would follow at home, so be sure to keep the heater clear of obstruction and do not leave it running unattended.

Heated Hoses Can Be Lifesavers
Freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on exterior water and sewer lines, but heated hoses easily solve that problem. They can keep water and other liquids flowing and will make life on the road much easier in cold weather. If you’re not sure about the cost or your lines are not as exposed to the elements, heat-wrapping tape can also help prevent freezing and cracking.
Keep the Lights on With a Portable Generator
Many RVs come from the factory with a gas- or diesel-powered generator, but it’s a must-have if yours did not. Running heat and other accessories means keeping the engine running, which is wasteful and not great for the powertrain. A generator can keep the heat and lights on and could be the difference between a great trip or one spent in misery.
Exterior Covers Help Trap Heat
A simple vent cover can help keep heat inside your rig and prevent moisture and other problems outside. Additionally, many animals seek warmth in winter, making your RV a very tempting resting spot for all sorts of pests and critters. Vent covers can help keep the wildlife out of your home on the road. Window film is also a good idea, as it can help reflect the cold and insulate the glass.

Dry Out with a Dehumidifier
While vent covers and other insulation are great for keeping you warm, they can also trap moisture inside your RV. Wet clothing from activities such as skiing, hiking, and ice skating can amplify that effect as they dry and release water into the air. Dehumidifiers are an essential tool to prevent those issues, and emptying them is as easy as pouring the reservoir outside.
Off-season RV camping is a great way to hit the road and avoid the crowds, but there are a few extra steps you’ll need to take to have the best time possible. If you’re unsure about the gear you’ll need or have questions about the best campgrounds to visit, the knowledgeable team at Valley RV is here to help. Give us a call today.